Blogger's Call

Posted by Poh-E in

There is a sense of fullfillment now that Raleigh International KL has it very own blog. It seems only fitting that RIKL has jumped on the blogger's bandwagon, a natural progression from Yahoo Group, Friendster and our own website ( don't you think? :)

For the newbies who are wondering who we are......
1. We have NOTHING to do with cars or bikes! (the only similiarity is the pronunciation!)
2. RIKL stands for Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur
3. We are a charity... a youth charity to be specific
4. We are the support group for the parent organization, UK-based Raleigh International
5. RI and RIKL share the same objective: to inspire youths from all backgrounds and nationalities to discover their full potential by working together on challenging environment and community projects.
6. RIKL assists, advises and guides young Malaysians who are interested to participate on a Raleigh International Expedition.
7. In addition, we also run projects locally. These activities are open to the public.
8. RIKL was established and is run by a Committee consisting of 11 enthusiastic young people.... they keep the groove going by not allowing the org. to become stagnant!
9. The easiest way to join us is to attend any of our monthly meetings which is held on the first Monday of every month at Rakan muda Clubhouse, K.L. ALL are welcome to join!
10. Contact us at 019-334 8582 or email us at Check out the website too for activity updates at

Selamat Hari Merdeka!


Posted by Poh-E in

Dark Cave Caving Trip Aug 

Project NameCaving at Dark Caves, Batu Caves
Date:20 August 06
Venue:Batu Caves
Project Partner:Malaysian Nature Society


Meeting Point: Ranni Restaurant, Batu Caves, outside the staircase 
Time: 8.30am sharp
Venue: Batu Cave 
Entrance fee:RM35 (fee will proceed to MNS)

Click here to view our last trip. 


Posted by Poh-E in

Belum Temengor Signature Campaign Aug

Project NameSaving Belum Temengor Signature Campaign
Date:7 August 06
Venue:Rakan Muda Clubhouse (download map)
Project Partner:Malaysian Nature Society


Updated 20 July 06
MNS Signature Target60,000
RIKL collected so far 
*Contact us to add you into the statistics. Every signature count!*
Locate RIKL signature campaign at:
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah21 July - 5 Aug 06
Angels Home, KL23 July 06
University Malaya, PJ26 July 06
Special Screening of "Temengor-Biodiversity in the face of danger" @ Rakan Muda Cluhouse, KL07 Aug 06
Batu Caves, KL20 Aug 06
more to come...

We need more. Special screening of "Temengor-Biodiversity in the face of danger" documentary will be held.

The Campaign

Older than the Amazon and the Congo, richer than both in biodiversity. The Belum-Temengor Forest Complex is a 130 million year old forest in Perak. It is also our last significant remnant of unprotected rainforest. The Belum-Temengor Forest Complex consists of the Royal Belum State Park (yet to be officially gazetted) and the Temengor Forest Reserve (classified as a 'forest reserve' but not totally protected.

This rainforest is now under threat from both legal and illegal logging. Therefere, this campaign strongly urges the State of Perak Darul Ridzuan to conserve the Belum-Temengor Forest Comaplex through:

1. Gazettement of the Royal Belum State Park
2. Extension of the Royal Belum State Park to include the Temengor Forest Reserve
3. Immediate stopping of all logging activities in the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex
4. Developing a site conservation management plan for the State Park
5. Stopping the conversion of natural forests to plantatino forests along the East-West highway.

Why Conserve?

There are 192 countries in the world but only 12 have been classified by the United Nations as "mega-diversity countries" that hold 75% of more of the Earth's species. Malaysia is one of these 12.

Belum-Temengor Forest Complex:

-has been identified as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) Rank 1 under Malaysia's National Physical Plan (NPP) and as such, no development or logging should take place, and urgent measures must be taken to protect it.

-is internationally recognized as an Important Birding Area (IBA). The Belum-Temengor Forest Complex is vital for the survival of the Plain-pouched Hornbill, which is globally threatened. These hornbills fly in flock of more than 2,000 individuals, a phenomenon not found anywhere else in the world.

-is the last unprotected refuge for at least 14 globally threatened mammals, including the Malayan Tiger and the Sumatran Rhino.

-is home to various species of flora - from the Rafflesia, the largest flower in the world, to Cycads, the oldest plants on earth.

-is a water catchment area for major rivers in Perak, Kelantan & Pahang

-is home to many tribes of indigenous people, who are an integral part of our natural heritage.

What you can do

Sign the postcards to YAB Dato' Sri DiRaja Mohammad Tajol Rosli Mohd Ghazali Menteri Besar of Perak, and to YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Prime Minister of Malaysia. RIKL will be supporting this cause. Postcards can be obtain at all our activities.

Visit for more reading materials. 

Rhinoceros HornbillMalayan Tiger 
Clogged River
MNS logo
Materials above reproduced with the permission of Malaysian Nature Society.