Raleigh Walk: Not too late to register!

Posted by Poh-E in

Just TWO more days to go!

Are you ready for our very first Raleigh walk?
Have you registered? If so, be ready to get excited. If not, act now! 
Also, do tag your friends along to experience the walk in the city with cool gifts by contributing only RM 30! You'll be entitled to...

A goodie bag filled with:

       1A unique design thumb drive which catches your eyes!
         2. Revive isotonic drink
       3. 2 Worthy Book vouchers
      4A trendy sport wear

Also, Raleigh will be providing water supply to you during the event day! So, no worries on getting dehydrated by the weather and all sweats!

Raleigh would like to acknowledge our sponsors! 
Million of thanks to Revive, Janzten water, Worthy Book, Salonpas, Durukan Lollipop, +brund and  Raleigh ex-Venturers!


So, see you and your friend next Sunday! Let’s walk Raleigh-ly!

To register yourself as participants,

CLICK HERE to be a Raleigh Walk participant


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