Frequently Asked Questions - Introduction Weekend

Posted by Poh-E in

What is Introduction Weekend?
Introduction Weekend is a 3 days 2 nights camp which is your first step to expedition, an experience that you will never forget. The Introduction Weekend also serves to introduce life on expedition to participants. Many of the skills needed for expedition can be learnt on the Introduction Weekend.

Can I participate Introduction Weekend even though I am not from Kuala Lumpur?
Introduction Weekend is open to all Malaysian and non-Malaysian who can prove that they have been living in Malaysia for no less than 6 months at the time of application is eligible.

For applicants living in Sabah & Sarawak, you can attend an Introduction Assessment Weekend organized by our sister support group in Kota Kinabalu. For enquiries, you can drop us an email at

When is the Introduction Weekend?
There will be two to three Introduction Weekend per year, so keep on look out for updates from our website or click to join our Yahoo! Group mailing list at the side panel to keep you updated on our latest activities.

Where is the location of the camp?
It is at a disclosed place so that you will have full experience of the camp. It usually will be in the proximity of Klang Valley in a remote jungle location.

What are the equipments required?
There will be a list of things to bring attached with the application form. Just read through the list and pack according to it and it will be fine.

Interested to join our Introduction Weekend?
For more info, drop us an email at


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