There are essentially 3 types of phases on a Raleigh International Expedition. Each of these three phases consists of three different projects. All Venturers will get a chance to work on each of these phases.
Environmental Phase
The Environmental Phase projects are projects which are concerned with conservation and environmental issues. Projects on an Environmental Phase may include biodiversity studies, geological research and the building of research facilities.
These projects are usually in collaboration with local government authorities, universities and with specialists in this field of study. On going Environmental Projects in Malaysia are being carried out in the Maliau Basin and Danum Valley.
The Environmental Phase exposes Venturers to the importance of environmental conservation through the important work they carry out. Venturers also gain a lot of experience in project management and planning, inter-personal skills and presenting ideas and opinions constructively.
Community Phase
Community Projects run by Raleigh International seek to elevate the living-standards of rural folk through a joint effort between local government authorities, the people within the community and Raleigh International Venturers and Staff.
Previous projects have included the building of suspension bridges, long houses, wells for drinking water, irrigation systems, safe drinking water supply and building community centers. One recent project includes a community development program for the people of Kampung Gana, in Sabah.
The projects on Community Phases allow for Venturers to get to know the local people they work and live with. Venturers get a chance to experience the way of life of the locals, getting involved in wedding ceremonies and harvesting festivals. The Community Phase provides the Venturer the chance to sample the rich culture rich culture, local cuisine and traditional apparel and be able to sample local cuisines and traditional apparel.
Venturers will be exposed to a very different lifestyle when living with the local hosts. The experience that they gain will help them in becoming more tolerant of other people’s ways and mannerisms.
The Adventure Phase
The Adventure Phase is by far the most physically and mentally demanding phase of a Raleigh International Expedition. Adventure Phases are usually conducted in the remotest of places in the world; from ice climbing in Chile to kayaking in the pristine rivers of Borneo, the Adventure Phase is a time of self-discovery. Projects on an Adventure Phase include trail cutting and brushing as well as building small bridges and data collection.