Past Projects 2004 & before

Posted by Poh-E in

Projects Run by Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur

Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur organises and participates in many conservation and community projects throughout the year with our project partners. Previous projects include:

Gunung Ledang Clean Up (1997)

A partnership clean-up with our Expedition 97C and 97G equipment sponsors Universal Fitness and Leisure Sdn. Bhd.
Project significance - the project was an initiative to clean up the camp areas and trek paths of the mountain which had become heavily littered.

Bird feeding and nesting platforms for the Milky Stork in Kuala Selangor Nature Park

An initiative of the Malaysian Nature Society, Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur worked with park authorities to build much needed feeding and breeding platforms for the milky Stork to ensure the longevity of its species.

Anti Poaching Project

Also in collaboration with the Malaysian Nature Society, Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur volunteers helped the MNS to install fish-net traps along the waterways encircling the park.
Project significance - to protect endangered species of marine life in the Kuala Selangor park area which was prone to unregulated drag-net fishing. The habitat hosts an array of protected and endangered species of fish.

SOUL Kids I & II

An ongoing project with BP Malaysia, the SOUL Kids program has taken over 40 under privileged children between the ages of 10-17 years over a 3 month program in learning about the importance of conservation and the environment.
Project Aims - To educate less fortunate children on environmental and conservation issues.

Soul Kids I (2001)

To teach the children about the ocean and the array of marine life it hosts. Children were taught to identify different types of fish and coral. The children were also educated in the dangers of pollution. Interactive games were conducted to facilitate learning. The children were also given swimming lessons by trained personnel to prepare them for their excursion.

After three months of education, the children were taken snorkeling to Pulau Redang where they got a chance to see for themselves what they had been learning. The children were also taken to see the turtles lay eggs. They also had the rare opportunity to release a batch of little turtles from the nursery into the sea. The activities also included a beach clean up.

Straits of Melaka Swim

The Straits of Melaka Swim took place on the 1st of May 1991. The swim started from the Riau Islands of Indonesia and ended in Negeri Sembilan, in Malaysia. The Fund-raiser saw a total of RM48,600.00 generated from kinds and cash. The funds were used to send Malaysian Venturers on Raleigh International Expeditions. The swim was scheduled for 35 hours however the Malaysian, Indonesian and British volunteers managed to complete the entire swim less than 19 hours and stands as a national record by a group to this day.