Alpha - Precious Home Sports Carnival

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Project Name:Alpha - Precious Home Sports Carnival
Date:10 Feb 07
Venue:Precious Children Home, PJ


Raleigh International KL (Team Alpha) organized a mini sports carnival for Precious Kid’s Home located nearby the Assunta Hospital, PJ.

After weeks and weeks of hard work fund raising for the event, we’d reached the amount that we needed in due time. After much bickering among ourselves relating the schedule and programs, we’ve finally got it done.

We headed off to Precious Kid’s Home at 8.30am. We managed to squeeze our time there at 9.30am. Off we headed to the football field. We started off with a friendly football match. Us against them. Soon the game got rough, the kids beat us to 5-0. What a bummer. By 12.30pm, we’ve concluded that we are terrible football players.

We definitely had the time of our lives playing football with them! Thus, after hours and hours of fun in the sun, we returned to the home for a short break and lunch. Lunch (mmm...) was either a yummy dish of fried noodles or 'meehoon'. While feeding our appetites and our growling tummies, we had the golden opportunity to socialize with them. Most of us seized it - We chatted and chatted with them about all kinds of things; life, school, games especially football, etc... We got to know a lot of things; things that can only be seen from an orphaned young child's eyes. In this way, our perspectives about love and kindness were changed and minds were broadened, when they led us into their world by storytelling us about themselves. Through these conversations, we were touched by their positive attitudes towards life and realized how similar we all actually are deep down inside; that is we all have one common factor - the need to feel loved. Personally, I know this will be one of the most memorable lunchtimes ever.

After licking our fingers, it was now time for our long-awaited indoor games. We taught them a few new games; simple yet fun games that promote teamwork like Tangle-Time, Goofy Theatre (commonly known as Charades), and Chap-Cali-Chap.

The tension is building up; every one of us knew that the water balloon match will be on next. We transported the kids (and balloons) to the nearby playground. Before the word “GO!” the kids started throwing the water balloons here and there. Buckets with water were specially filled for the coordinators to be ‘splash’-ed on. We had an amazing fun time and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly, so much so that we lost track of time. Just to show how time really does flies, before we realized it, it was already time for us to leave. Thus, we ‘departed’ unwillingly from the home with a heavy heart. Before that, Team Alpha presented a huge box of Ferrero Roche’s to Pastor Evelyn, the person in charge of the Precious Kids’ Home as a ‘thank you’ sign and as a token of appreciation to her and her staff for allowing us to help out at the home, even if it was only for a day and to have fun with the kids and get to know them better.

To wind it up: All in all, even though at the end of the day we were all exhausted both physically and emotionally, we knew that it was well worth it. The look of childlike innocence on the children’s faces especially when they looked up expectantly on us when we first arrived at the home, the somber yet earnest looks of a little one who at first refused to finish his lunch, but whose face lit up when we offered to feed him, their expressions of pure joy and happiness when we played games-especially the ‘Attack of the Water Balloons’. The lasting impression of the ‘come on, let’s play!’ looks on the young chaps who were overexcited about the football match are all totally priceless. The sweet memories we made and the new bonds of untainted friendship we forged are irreplaceable!


Valentine’s Special Offers

Posted by Poh-E in

Do you have a valentine? Whether it is a yes or a no, this is JUST for YOU! Send some romance to your loved ones this February; boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, college mates, colleagues or even YOURSELF! I can even help your father send your mom some roses! I have got some great offers for you this February, ranging from RM 10.00 onwards. This is another effort to reach my Raleigh International Expedition Spring 07 fundraising target. Do support me!

Selling Red Roses (Professionally wrapped)
No. of stalks, Price & Purchase above RM 100.00
1 stalk - RM 12.00 - RM 12.00
3 stalks - RM 35.00 - RM 32.00
6 stalks - RM 60.00 - RM 55.00
12 stalks - RM 120.00 - RM 100.00

Add on add on!!!

Packages, Description & Charges
Ferrero Rocher in a bundle
10 counts – RM 25.00
20 counts – RM 50.00

Song Dedication at college/workplace -
Any sentimental songs (English/Malay/Mandarin)
RM 10.00 per song +
RM 50.00 for transportation

Around Klang Valley
RM 50.00
(Available from 12-14 February 2007)

Delivery + Song Dedication
Around Klang Valley
RM 60.00
(Available from 12-14 February 2007)

So, place your orders FAST at +60 12 273 9503 or e-mail me at Spread the news around to your friends, your friends’ friends and family members!

Do not worry, I was a part-time singer in a café during Secondary School and performed a lot in events.
I have professional driving skills too, P-driver no more! :P

Cheers and Happy Valentine’s,

Chow Xin Tong
m: +60 12 273 9503

christal: do support my partner... share your love this Valentine with a great support towards XT's fund raising projects... all the best partner!!...


ZooRiffic 3 !!! Save Our Tigers, Give Them a Future

Posted by Poh-E in

i. Voluntary Session

Volunteers arrived between 8 a.m. to quarter to 9 a.m. As we were expecting 30 volunteers, to our surprise, over 50 volunteers turned up! How amazing to see youth eager to serve… Each volunteer were required to register, while an amount of RM 25/- was charged as registration fee which included the cost of a Zooriffic T-shirt, a certificate, a goodie bag and lunch for each volunteer.

Soon by 9 a.m. the volunteers were divided into groups and handed over to the zoo’s officer. Each team were assigned different tasks.

Among the scope of 3 work prepared by Zoo Negara’s Education Officer, Mr Suzalinur Manja B Bidin were
(1) Cleaning of the animal’s living quarters.
(2) Helping zookeepers prepare food for the animals.
(3) Removing litter at designated areas

Zoo Negara provided most of the equipment. Participants were only required to bring enough drinking water (about 1.5 to 2.0 liters) and a spare set of clothes to change for the activity.

What have our volunteer’s got to say?’’’’’’

“Enjoyable, interesting… Do count me in for the next zooriffic.”
“We were so close to the animal…Fun”
“I really enjoyed zooriffic… The voluntary session was fun and not that tiring…”
“Got to know more people in zooriffic”
“ Now I know what’s life in the zoo…”

Well, hard work will never go unrewarded. All who volunteered were at the end of the day given a t-shirt, a goodie bag, and a certificate endorsed by Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian Zoological Department, and MYCAT. (during the certificate and prize presentation)

ii. Orphanage Day Trip to Zoo Negara

In the meantime, kids from Precious Children Home were brought for a day’s trip in Zoo Negara. Among the activities held in the morning were, a tram ride around the Zoo with volunteers and a zoo guide, coloring animal zoology pictures contest at the Zoo’s Bear Complex using 2nd hand color pencils donated by people (friends, members of public, etc..), singing and warming up, etc..

Kids above 12 (there are 8 of them) had a great time touring round the zoo, enjoying the animal show, helping volunteers in logistics and attending the MYCAT/ MNS talk.

Kids brought back won prizes, sponsored by Andante Training Resources as well as posters and notebooks distributed by MYCAT and certificate of talk attendance (during the certificate and prize presentation).

iii. Lunch with VIPs and volunteers
After the tiring voluntary session and kid’s activities, lunch was served at 12 noon.
Food was provided by the Zoo’s caterer for all volunteers, orphans, organizers and VIP’s. It was sponsored by individuals and …
Right after lunch, everyone adjourned to the Tiger Talk.

v. Talk on Habitat Conservation Programme to Save the Tiger

Program : Tiger Talk
Theme: Save Our Tigers, Give Them a Future
Venue : Tunku Abdul Rahman Theater Hall, Zoo Negara
Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Speakers: Loretta Ann Soosayraj
(MYCAT -Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers)
Kanita Krishnasamy
Audiences: volunteers, kids from Precious Children home, Raleigh International members, Malaysian Zoological Society Members, Zoo Negara officers, public,
more than 150 people attended the talk between 1pm to 3pm.
It was free to all in the Zoo!
The Zoo agreed to grant us the space near the tiger enclosure for free! Our committee member patiently promoted the talk of the day & other events by distributing flyers.

Special Invitation: Zoo Negara President – Dato’ Ismail Hutson
Zoo Negara Director – Dr. Mohamad Bin Ngah
Dr. Kae Kawanishi – MYCAT research biologist
Zoo Negara Senior Veterinary – Dr. Vellayan

Talk Review : The talk included an introduction of MYCAT and MNS, an interactive attitudinal survey (which was kind of fun), Puzzle Video (heart- touching video clip), presentation/talk on habitat conservation and awareness, video show, poem exercise, and many more… MNS even gave out the MNS NATURALIST magazine, to those that attended the talk, gifts for quiz winners.
p.s. no real tiger’s involve.



Posted by Poh-E in

Calling for IW Jan 07 Participants, IW Sep 06 Participants, and Raleigh Members……….
It’s been 19 days since the last Introweekend and we are going to have a Post Introweekend
3rd Feb 2007
meet up. Below are the details:

Date: 3 Feb 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 9.15am – 2.00pm
Venue: International Youth Centre(IYC) KL, Jln Yaacob Latif, Bdr Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, KL (beside DBKL Aquatic Centre, opp HUKM)
1.Presentation of Certificate and Review to IW Jan 07 Participants
2.Sharing session by ex-venturers on
- Fundraising & PR
- Expeditions & its Achievements
- Equipment
3.Get-together with other IW participants & Ex-venturers.

We are also having ‘Gotong –Royong: Logs Day’ after the Post
Introweekend. Come and join us too – good company, work out your muscles, or just hang out with other Raleigh members.

So, block your calendar for the above activities. If you need further
information, please do not hesitate to contact Siaw Ling@017 322 1377 or Nathrah@012 268 2403 (no SMS)

See you there!

Siaw Ling
Expedition Officer
Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur
M: +6017 322 1377