We have Tabur-ed!

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Bukit Tabur... KL's best kept secret, well for some though, for the rest it is just a weekend morning walk/hike. Mention hiking in KL, here's the general conversation:
Hiker-to-be: Wanna go hiking in KL?
Hiker: Oh, the Taman Melawati, Klang Gates dam?
Hiker-to-be: Yes, yes. Let's go!
Hiker: Cool, I've done that hill a couple of times but I don't mind going again.

Such are the usual conversation, you will not be surprise why when the hidden gem in KL is revealed...

Complete with amazing views, the hike offers different fun in different aspects too. We do a little hike...

Then a little abseiling...

Once in awhile a little posing... (Or more than "a little" maybe...)

When the body tells us to turn back and our mind weakly agrees, "Yes, we should...", the eye candy pops out...

And somebody goes.... "I'm Spenderman"... oh whoops... Spiderman I mean ;)

Half way through, we had RIKL's first monthly meeting in Bukit Tabur, literally somewhere in the middle of the hill...

A monthly meeting with a difference, that was surely one, to be remembered as well. An energizer was shared and played cautiously in the middle of the hill. Zip Zap Boing. Heard of it? Played it? I'm not gonna reveal more than the name. It's your miss, ask anyone of us to teach you, when we are nice we may share.

Sure this..

is better than....


All in all it was a well worth experience, so much of a Raleigh activity that was complete with outdoor adventure as well as an environmental appreciation outing.

If you make a simple addition of...




A happy Raleigh family!

ps: Check out Xin Tong's entry on Bukit Tabur as well. More photos could be found at CK's and Pei Ting's Facebook album. Also, special thanks to Lee Lee for organising and here's the full attendance list:
Whyn Keen, CK, Su Mei, Jason, Guan Beng, Leng Keat, Jin Hong, Eve, Ian ,Sara Yasmin, Shin Hwa, Zhi Yong, Paul, Bee Li, Yink Heay, Get Pei, Vincent, Shih Chung, Kar Lye, Pei Ting, Xin Tong and William


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