Discover a ‘new’ within the ‘old’ (part1)

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

Team Bravo of IW June 08 proudly presents...
~ A Raleigh KL production ~

Team Bravo IntroWeekend June 08
Guest starring
CK Leong * Tam Kar Lye * William Tan * Loong Li Shin

Discover a ‘new’ within the ‘old’

The results are out folks! How much did Team Bravo raised? Was it enough? Did we reach our target? All of that, plus never seen before footage of Team Bravo...

The day started off with Yen handing over the keys to his house, where we were based at for the day. We tried to bring as much paper as possible from home, just in case...

The first round of collecting was more like a warm up. Getting used to putting on our best smiles, greeting the neighbours chirpily, explaining our cause under 3 minutes, figuring out who’s the driver, the maid, the and boss...

To minimize carbon monoxide output (and to save money...) we used little trolleys that people use to do their marketing to load the newspapers, instead of driving from house to house.

We crossed paths with an old newspaper collector who was blaring ‘Sao Gao Pou Chi’ throughout the neighbourhood. There was no battle of words though, CK politely asked him to collect somewhere else, whereas Kar Lye asked if he would kindly donate what he had, since we were doing it for charity...

CK looked very happy with the results... before lunch break. Since the old newspaper was visible from outside of Yen’s house, we decided to lock the gate.... with Kar Lye’s bicycle lock. Just in case the old newspaper collector followed us and saw our pile of old newspaper.

Even though we were on our break, we never forget about our mission. We took every paper/box we could get our hands on and added it to our growing pile at Yen’s house.

Final round of unloading. The people from MNI came a little earlier than scheduled and our collection was not very encouraging after lunch. Hence we decided to cut short the collection time and return to Yen’s house.

We definitely had fun fund raising for Angels Home.
We had more fun loading the newspapers onto the lorry in the end!

So, how much did we raise? We surpassed our target by collecting a total amount of RM604.10 for Angels Home.


Rock Climbing for August

Posted by Poh-E in ,

We trekked, dipped, chilled and now we are going to climb!

August monthly meeting going back indoors with the companion of harness, ropes and climbing walls.

Yes! we are going rock climbing at Nomad Climbing Gym, Summit USJ!

Details below,

Date: 2 August 2008
Time: 9am gather at KTM Subang Jaya
Meeting point: KTM Subang Jaya

Beginners will attend a basic rock climbing safety instruction course (BRSIC) where you will be introduced to the basics of indoor climbing, such as safety aspects of climbing and belaying skills. Basic skills needed to go rock climbing anywhere and everywhere.

Followed by climbing till noon or until hands drop off.

With Raleigh KL, we've got special rates
Members: RM 10
Non-members: RM 13
* Inclusive of full gear. Parking cost to be shared.

Normal rate with full gear
Climb: RM 30 (Student: RM 24)

This is another deal with Nomad in exchange for additional man hours around Aug/Sept. Climbers are not obliged to help but please have mercy on the Official Mascot who will be sold as a slave otherwise.

So what are you waiting for? Any doubts or to confirm attendance, please call/sms/email with the following information - name, tel, email and indicate if you are driving.

Alvin Teo
Tel: +6017-7707274

Geng Qian
Tel: +6012-4106347


What's going on this week??

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

Here's some updates of the latest PIW Projects.

Team Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta are all working hard on their Post Intro Weekend Projects. Bravo and Delta have had their fundraising activities two weeks ago. Both teams are working really hard to bring extra joy and happiness to the kids from Angels Home. Bravo will bring the lovely kids to Petrosains Malaysia for an educational excursion on 10 August where as Delta will be repainting the home some time in August too.

Since two groups showed great effort for their projects, you guys must be wondering what are Alpha and Charlie doing then? Both of the teams have collaborated to raise funds for PAWS.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Meet Alpha at HELP

Alpha will be selling merchandise from Paws, such as t-shirts, singlet, and car stickers; as well as J Co doughnuts at Help College (exact venue: KPD Block A, opposite Wisma UOA in Jalan Dungun). The Raleigh booth will be there from 11.00am till 6.00pm. Besides that, animal lovers may pledge to feed the dogs and cats on daily or monthly basis. Come support them!

For those who are interested to join expedition, feel free to drop by to meet our official mascot and ex-venturers who just came back from February expedition. There will be tons of photos and stories to share.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Meet Charlie at TAYLORS

Charlie is setting up a booth in conjunction with Taylor's College Charity Music Concert at Taylor's Subang Jaya campus. Apart from selling the merchandises from Paws and J Co doughnuts, they will also be selling cute and lovely souvenirs. Go visit them anytime between 4.30pm to 10.00pm. Enjoy performances by Liang and Juwita Suwito by just paying RM 15. The money will go to the funds for Myanmar and China victims who suffered from natural disaster recently. As for Raleigh members, RM 2 will be donated to PAWS to support Charlie's PIW. You are helping two causes by just contributing a small amount. It's definitely worth the money!

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Alpha and Charlie will pay a visit to PAWS to wash the puppies, play with the kittens and learn more about stray animals.

That's all for now, more updates is on its way.

Cheers, have a great weekend!!


Charlie + Alpha's Charity Music Concert Booth

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

[Click to enlarge]

Hey everyone,

We are going to set a booth at Taylor's Subang Jaya Campus this coming Friday (25th July 2008).

Time : 4.30p.m-7.00p.m
Venue : Entrance of Taylor's College
Time : 7.00p.m-10.00p.m
Venue : Multi Purpose Hall (MPH) - 3rd floor
Ticket Price : RM15 (included finger food)

Good news to share! RM2 will be received by us on each Raleigh member who comes to support us during the day. Just wear your Raleigh t-shirt and bring your ID along to register at a specific counter.

The concert performances featuring from instrumental, acapbella, band performances and artists singing too. Guess which artists are coming? They are Liang and Juwita Suwito. Wohoo!!!

We are going to sell JCO Donuts, PAWS merchandises, Night Light Sticks (Ying Guan Bang) and cute, lovely sourvenirs for your best buddies or Bf, Gf.

Besides, we are having pledge the meal as well. Just donate RM3 and an animal could have a meal for one day. See, you are so kind XD

If you want to become a volunteer for PAWS, do sign up at the counter during the day XD

P/s: Please inform us your attendance for the night concert as soon as possible as we need to reserve a ticket for you, our VVIP Guest.

We do welcome every member to help out at the booth to have fun together.

Persons to contact :

Peh Hwa 0123502038
Kai Ying 0173583143
Su Shen 0123892993
Ezat Almy 0173850375

William 0124739189
Michael 0163450365

Thanks and please do support us.

Your small contribution is more than enough to let the animals to live happily and comfortable for a long time.



PAWS fundraiser at HELP updates!

Posted by Poh-E in , , ,

More interesting details ahead!

Every month a dog in PAWS needs RM70 to fill its tummy!
A cat on the other hand requires about RM15 a month! Why the big difference?Well they are health-conscious like us too!
A daily meal for a dog cost about RM3 for a reasonably good feed, a cat only requires RM0.50 a day. Dogs are high maintenance!

What can YOU do to help PAWS?

1. Come to our event either on Thursday in HELP University College or Friday in Taylor's University College.
2. Pledge any amount of meals in the form provided. One meal costs RM3 for dogs, RM0.50 for a cat. You can pledge individual meals
of any amount or pledge a whole month's meal for the price indicated above.
3. Revel in the atmosphere and gawk at the students there ( at your own risk)!
4. Walk away knowing that you have made a difference!

Greetings from Team Alpha-Charlie
Michael Woo

P/S: Raleigh KL will also be carrying out a roadshow at the same time. Come and visit us!


Empty your pockets for PAWS at HELP

Posted by Poh-E in , , ,

Hello everyone!

Team Alpha from IW June 2008 will be having a booth in HELP University College on the 24th of July (Thursday). The exact location is in KPD Block A, opposite Wisma UOA in Jln Dungun. There will be merchandise from PAWS,handicrafts and JCo donuts for sale.

All proceeds will go to PAWS. The money collected will feed hundreds of our little feline and canine friends in PAWS. There's a whole lot of them, 370 at last count.So, all the help given is definitely appreciated.

During the event, we will have forms waiting to be filled for pledging meals. Each day each one of our canine friend requires about RM3 for meals. Pledge a meal a week and you'll keep one little canine from having to starve for a week.

Also, PAWS requires 2-3 volunteers a day on the weekends only (Satuday and Sunday) to show visitors around the compound in Subang. Come pledge your time, especially those living around Subang.You need not commit to help out every weekend, you decide how many days you want
to help out!

Please come and help us by supporting our cause! All you need to do is to come hang out a while, there is no physical work and you don't have to do anything except to BUY or PLEDGE or SIGN or just to BUY BUY BUY!;p

Michael Woo

P/S: Raleigh KL will also be carrying out a roadshow at the same time. Come and visit us!


Remember Those Smiles...?

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

Greetings Raleigh-ians,

Remember the tingling feeling down in your heart when you receive your first Choo-choo train? Your first Barbie?

Remember your innocent smile when your mummy serves your favourite dish or brings you to McDonalds?

Remember the playground laughter you hear when all the kids gather in the evening to play?

Unfortunately, there are a handful of children who do not go through that phase. So it’s up to us to make do and give them what they deserve. They, too, deserve a happy childhood.

This coming weekend, team Delta will be fundraising for Angels Children Home. The home currently houses around 15 children below the age of 15 and is currently in need of daily supplies, medical treatment and mainly cash support to pay the bills. Thus, we would like to humbly request the participation of all to come together this weekend to raise fund for them.

We would be collecting newspapers for recycling and offering odd job services. Please lend a hand as every participation will make a difference.

We will be gathering at KL Sentral at 8.45 am on Saturday, 19th of July and will leave for the Home at 9 am sharp. For those who are interested to come help out, or for further information, please contact Govin at 017 286 0996.

See Ya There!

Zhen Cui, Zen
Team Delta
012 944 8163


a hike, a dip, a fun & enjoying time with the Raleigh-ians

Posted by Poh-E in ,

how was everyone since AGM ??? those who missed it... you missed it lor...

come join our coming meeting for another fun & exciting Raleigh fun, fun, fun...

Raleigh KL - July Monthly Meeting would be
@ Templer Park

when?? 13 July 2008 (Sunday)
time?? 0800 - 1230
meet up venue?? KL Central
- outside McD booth
- above Air Asia bus stop

what have we install for our members & friends???
- trekking
- a dip in the waterfall
- our "official" Raleigh KL July Monthly Meeting
* agenda of the meeting
- Post IntrodWeekend Projects updates
- current & coming fund raising projects

fee?? - member RM 3
- non-members RM 5

Closing date: 10 july 2008

*things to bring along*
- change of clothes
- hiking boots / sandals (you can bring flip-flops along for waterfall / after waterfall)
- sufficient drinking water (1.5 liter)

For further information please;
Amy +60 17 294 0890
Vincent +60 17 366 6601

or email to:

thank you and may everyone have a great start for this week @ work, school, play or even being a potato couch.... ;P


Discover a ‘new’ within the ‘old’

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

How many times have you looked through past records and learned something new?
When was the last time, you made a child happy?
Well, that is what our PIWP is all about.

Team Bravo will be taking 15 children from Angels Home on a journey of discovery to Petrosains, KLCC. We want the kids to have fun, and at the same time learn about the wonders of Science. As we go through this journey with them, we ourselves might learn a thing or two, just by observing the children.

For that to happen, we, Team Bravo will be raising funds by collecting paper materials that the folks of Bangsar do not want. Things such as newspapers, magazines, books, notes, love letters, bills, and boxes are what we will be collecting. We will be going house to house, spreading a cause and we will need some help from all you splendid people out there. Raleigh-ians and non Raleigh-ians who are kind enough to provide us with transportation (10 to 15 cars needed) and also a helping hand are very much welcomed!

Details of fund raising day:

Date: 12th July 2008 (Saturday)
Itenary: 8.00am Gather at KL Sentral
8.30am Head to Bangsar/unloading of paper material at Yen’s house
8.50am Begin collection of unwanted paper material
12.00pm Lunch Break
1.45pm continue scavenging for paper material
4.45pm Finish up and gather at Yen’s house

You can also go the extra mile by collecting old paper material before hand and bringing them along to Bangsar on that day! The lorry from the recycling center will be collecting all of it at the end of the day. Since it has already been half a year since a PIWP was done, I guess many Raleigh-ians are wondering what is going on with the latest batch of recruits! Come and meet the new faces of RIKL! Your support means a lot and is greatly appreciated!

Do contact us should you be interested or have any querries, so that the necessary arrangements can be made.

Shu Woan
[m] 017-385 9288

Wei Zhen
[m] 016- 6428 694

Thank you very much!