Finally, it's HERE! Introduction Weekend May 2010

Posted by Poh-E in

Dear lovely peeps,

I am glad to write this special letter to you as my heart was pounding as I received one very special news from Raleigh , and I wish that you are the very FIRST person to know about such a great news!

Can you believe that Introduction Weekend is back!

I know you've missed previous ones but no worries, Raleigh KL is nice enough to hold a special one in May 2010. Just for you!

Dear lovely peeps,

I want you to GET OUT THERE! Why don't you give yourself a chance to have that 'Get Out There' kinda feeling? You deserve it!

Oh, by the way,
here are the details (as poster above)


Age: 17 to 24 years old
Date: 28th to 30th of May, 2010
Venue: International Youth Centre (IYC), Jalan Yaacob Latiff, Bdr Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, KL.
Fees: RM 50

You can click the link below to download the registration form:

if you are not able to download the form or require further information, you can email to

and the deadline is on the 16th of May 2010!

Dear lovely peeps,

I hope to see you during this coming Introduction Weekend!
Get Out There!

See you soon!

From your lovely friend,

Chong Poh-E
PR 09/10
Raleigh Kuala Lumpur


May MM: Lets get some Bananas!

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Dear Raleighians,

FYI, according to Wikipedia, BANANAS are the staple starch of many tropical populations. Depending upon cultivar and ripeness, the flesh can vary in taste from starchy to sweet, and texture from firm to mushy. Both skin and inner part can be eaten raw or cooked. Banana is also a good source of Vitamins. So, we ALL need to eat a bit more bananas.

1 hour easy hike. no uphills. flowing stream. wet wet wet. Waterfall ending!
Sungai Pisang, Gombak.
1st May (Saturday), yup, it's Labour Day.
8.00am - 12.00pm

Meeting point?
Gombak LRT.
8.00am SHARP!!

what to bring?
walking shoes/strappy sandals. active wear. swimming trunks/bikinis. change of clothes. drinking water. snacks of chocolates and biscuits to be shared to all.
Portable stoves. Milo. Coffee. Maggi Mee. Mushroom Soup. It's really up to you!

How much?
Raleigh KL members RM 5
Non-members RM 10
small token fee covers light snacks and petrol reimbursement for drivers

100% money back guarantee to anyone who does not get wet!

Please click here to register:

Registration deadline is 29th April (Thursday) 11.59pm.

All those who fail to register, and do not drive, will risk a 20km walk on foot to the trek start point, which can be achieved in an estimated time of 1.5 to 2 hours. This section of the walk is not wet. In fact, it is rather hot and dry. The same applies to those who are not at Gombak LRT at 8am.

Feel free to email if you need any clarifications.

See you there!

Lu Yi


Be part of Mega Earth Day

Posted by Poh-E in , ,

Be part of Mega Earth Day by becoming one of the volunteers running the activities.

24 & 25 April 2010

Kota Damansara Community Forest

In conjunction with the 40th World Earth Day in April 2010, Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD) together with Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) will be celebrating “Mega Earth Day 2010” for its fifth consecutive year! This year’s Earth Day, themed “Forest for All” will be held on April 24th and 25th, 2010 (Saturday and Sunday) at the Kota Damansara Community Forest (KDCF).

How can I help as a volunteer ?
In the night of 24 April 2010, one of the event is NIGHT HIKING.

  • Please note that you need to be there by 4pm if you are helping out for night hiking on 24th April.
  • The purpose of having a night hike is to provide an opportunity for the community to experience the sound and scent of the forest at night.
  • As a volunteer, you will lead a group of 10 or more into a trail which takes you about 2 hours around the forest. This group of people may contain senior citizens and small children besides adults.
  • On 25 April 2010, assist individuals during kayaking, particularly making sure they put on life jackets.

Leading the group
As a "guide", you will need to:
-make sure hikers are all in good condition
-warn hikers of potential danger
-introduce them about the beauty of forest
-anything you can think of to make it a fun and safe hike

Why your help is needed and appreciated much?
We are trying our best to make sure this event can run smoothly so that the message of preserving mother earth can spread at its max.

Things you need to know
-food and drinks provided
-bring along torchlight or head torch
-you can overnight at the campsite or choose to rest at home and come back another day
-dress code: Raleigh KL's dry fit green tee with a big R

What if i don't have that green Raleigh tee ??
Don't worry, you can purchase from us at RM 30.00. We shall deliver it to you during Mega Earth Day. Just fill in the details stated in the registration form below.

so, what are you waiting for ??!
come register at

limited spaces and closing date on 11.59pm 9th April 2010.

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 11th April 2010, there's still chances for members !!

*PRIORITY TO RALEIGH KL MEMBER, and list will be filtered by Projects Officer. If you wish to become Raleigh KL member, you can email to Sorry in advance if so ever any inconvenience caused.


Raleigh in Mount Irau

Posted by Poh-E in

One month before

The thought of a nice cool place came into mind when the scorching sun burns down on Earth relentlessly. Their minds started wandering around places to go for a short weekend retreat. At the back of their minds, stories of a certain peak were brought to attention. A click through the website archives shows a place so dreamlike and picturesque surrounded by misty mossy trees calling out to them.

This was it, the moment, the adventure and the getaway they needed to cool down their burning desire to escape. The journey to Mount Irau was already being plotted out and the adventure begins on the 13th March 2010.

Two Weeks Before

What shall we eat up there? How are we going? Has everyone registered and paid? Where is the walkie talkie? Questions flew around two weeks prior to the day. Things needed to be confirmed, transportation to be arranged and logistics and stocks to be organised. Thankfully, with Shi Wei’s help, the store room and logistics were confirmed and double confirmed giving everyone a relief and the confidence that no one was going to be stranded or go hungry during their adventure.

The day before 

Temperatures are known to dip below 10 degrees Celsius on the peak during nightfall. The tents and sleeping bag might keep your body warm. However, what is best to keep our hearts warm and happy that night? There was not much pondering to be done. Steamboat was easily decided as dinner for the night. 15 people gathered around a pot of hot steamy soup will easily warm the coldest heart. Having decided that, Evinn, Zed and Marble was given the task to buy and prepare the ingredients for their steamboat dinner.

The Day (13th March 2010)

Clock alarms were set the night before as everyone was given orders to arrive in KL Sentral at 6.45am. Zombie like silhouettes started arriving one by one as if being lure by the smell of an exciting adventure ahead. By 7.10am, most of the brave souls have all showed up. Even Raleigh President, Vincent came to send the troops of to their adventure by providing them with a ‘treasure map’ and Raleigh’s pride banner.  After much commotion filing up indemnity forms and arranging everyone into their respective cars and waiting for people with Malaysian timing, the troop of 15 people finally got to start their journey at 8am.

Checking and waiting

Once in the car, as if induced by some force, everyone fell asleep except for the driver and his/her map reader and walkie talkie holder. The road to Cameron Highlands (CH) was smooth sailing and without any hiccups. Once pass the long winding road up to CH, the troop arrived in Tanah Rata at 11:00am. Without wasting much time, the hungry people set about looking for a place to have lunch. Lunch came and goes fast enough and before they knew it, it was time to visit the famous CH markets to buy some fresh and crisp vegetable for their steamy hot steamboat dinner.

Excited faces having lunch @ Tanah Rata

The market was situated in Brinchang, just a few kilometres up from Tanah Rata, there, everyone when on a vegetable buying frenzy as it was cheap and fresh. Vegetables were not the only important thing the troop decided to bring for survival purposes. Fellow trooper, Chung Shin decided to throw in a few green cans (Heineken) as a source of warmth on the peak later on.

The Troopers

Once done with the marketing and happy with the knowledge that they have some green cans in their rucksacks, the troop begin their journey to the entrance of Mount Irau by car. The road to Mount Irau was akin to driving through a jungle. Trees hang over the road side shading it, giving a cold and slightly spooky atmosphere. Members of the troop finally felt the starting of their ‘Lord of The Rings’ adventure.

Gunung Brinchang here we come!

Once arrived at the starting point, everyone was gathered and the delegation of supplies and tasks was given out. While the guys were delegating the tasks and supplies, the girls  were asked to wash the vegetables they bought with the limited water supply. Su Lan was given the task of carrying fragile materials like eggs as she was deemed the most experienced trekker. All dangerous explosive materials (Bunsen burner and extra gas) were carried by Shi Wei. Marble had the stressful task of carrying the ice cream as suggested by Evinn who wanted to enjoy ice cream up on the cold peak. Not forgetting the most important thing, the green cans were carried by CK. Others materials like food were separated among the girls and heavy equipments for instance the tents are given to the guys. Everyone with a rucksack weighing an approximate 10 to 15kg as each has to carry a minimum of 5L of water; they begin ascending to Mount Irau.

Preparation work @ entrance of Mt. Irau

Lets wash the vegetables for our dinner tonight and save water!

Preparation for hike

The Hike

The hike started at 2pm from the starting point. The first trail is a few meter of wooden walkway into the mossy forest. Right after the wooden walkway, the troop encounters their first obstacle which is a steep slope downwards into the unfamiliar forest.

Hehe, Happy CLEAN troopers!

It is then that the troop discovers that the trail lives up to its reputation of being very, very muddy. For the first few minutes, everyone was trying their very best not to get dirty from the mud. However, they realised soon enough that they were not going to win over the muddy terrain and gave up all hopes of keeping themselves clean. Trees were used as ‘hand wipes’ where the troops gleefully wipe their muddied hands over for better grip.

The journey to entering the mossy forest, we smile!

And as if the muddy terrain and the 15 degree Celsius temperature was not enough a challenge, Mother Nature decided to send down some shower 45 minutes into their hike. Evinn who was vertically challenged had to give up carrying her pot by that time as the muddy terrain was putting her at a disadvantage of heavy load. Su Lan who fears that Evinn might be sucked down by all the mud volunteered to carry the pot for her. Meanwhile, the crackling between the four walkie talkies can be heard constantly as the lead guides (Zed and Felix), middle guide (Marble) and sweeper (CK) kept each other updated on their side.  With the wet, muddy and cold condition, the troop was not a sight to behold and yet they push forward knowing that they have will have a beautiful view and warm food on top.

Wow! Can u feel it…

Approximately two hours into the hike, CK walkied Marble with bad news. Due to unfortunate event, Shi Wei sprained her ankle. Upon hearing that, Marble asked Zed and Felix to continue to the peak to check out and set up the campsite. Marble and Choon Wei proceeded back down to where CK, Shi Wei and Chung Shin is to access the situation while the girls waited at half way point.

The guys came to a decision that CK and Chung Shin will accompany Shi Wei back down to the hospital. With that decision, the load that they were carrying had to be redistributed. Marble and Choon Wei gathered the things they needed and left some water by the side for emergency use on the way down the next day as it was too heavy to carry up. With that CK, Chung Shin and Shi Wei (CSW) started their journey back down to the entrance to seek medical attention for Shi Wei’s ankle.

We may be dirty, wet and cold but we can still say CHEESE!

Upon reaching back where they left the girls, Marble had asked Zed and Felix to come down and help them carry the now extra loads. By then two and a half hours has gone by. Although everyone was quite pleased that there were no leeches to prey on them, the avid photographers were not too happy as they cannot whip out their cameras to take some shots as their hands were all covered in mud. Throughout the journey, communications with CSW was maintained and CK even called Vincent to inform him about the situation.

The Peak

Finally, after three hours and fifteen minutes at approximately 5.40pm, everyone reached the peak they long envisioned. The first question heard on the peak was Zed asking Marble where the most important green cans are. Sadly, Marble had to disappoint the cold and tired troop members by saying that the green cans did not make it up to the top.

SOS call number! Lets just set up the tents.

Although disappointed at the lack of green can fuel and not being able to see sunset because of the thick mist, everyone starting preparing a reasonable campsite. Flysheets were opened up and tents were put up. The girls went about preparing the food while Choon Wei attempted to set up a decent kitchen. Not forgetting the vital job, Marble went about looking for a nice spot for ‘business dealings’.

Our yummy processed food steamboat. Yum!

During the whole camp set up, CK keep them updated with regards to their position and condition. They found a stick to aid Shi Wei and although being advised by Vincent to camp on the spot, CK made up his mind to get Shi Wei out of the forest for medical attention. With Chung Shin carrying two rucksacks, CK supporting Shi Wei and only two workable torchlight in the night, the preserved on.

Chefs at work - watch out Jamie Oliver!

The Dinner

Back at the campsite, dinner was being prepared while everyone clean themselves with wet wipes and put on extra layers of clothing as the night turns colder. By then, it started drizzling again and the temperature was recorded at 12 degree Celsius. At 7pm, dinner was ready to be served. The pot of steamboat was filled to the brim with all sorts of processed food. Fish balls, crab sticks, squid balls, more fish balls and of course the load of fresh vegetables. Any feelings of being a stranger to one another disappeared under the flysheet where 12 people huddled together over a pot of steamboat; there was only one word to describe their feelings –awesome! However, everyone did noted that they will not be having steamboat for at least a few months after this as there was so much left over due to CSW not being there. food!


With a cup of hot Milo in hand, the nine remaining brave souls who did not want to sleep yet decided to squeeze into  a three men tent to play cards. Since it was everyone’s first time to Mount Irau, they did not want to ‘waste’ time sleeping. While enjoying their rounds of card games, CK walkied in at around 10pm to say that they have safely reach the entrance of Mount Irau. The first thing that CSW did was to fill their stomach up after the long hike down. Not wanting to lose out on a CH steamboat experience, the three people settled down at a steamboat restaurant in town. Later on, CK reported that they took Shi Wei to the hospital and that Shi Wei was in good condition save for restricted walking. The news put everyone at ease and they all went to sleep with a relief heart.

14th March 2010


Sound of people stretching and yawning can be heard by 6am the next morning. Those who wanted to wake up to see the sunrise was again disappointed as it were still as misty. However, they were treated to a breathtaking view of ‘sea clouds’ as they were above the clouds.  A Breakfast of Milo, tea, bread with tuna and hardboiled eggs was prepared soon after admiring the sight. Knowing that they will need to leave soon, everyone took their time to enjoy their breakfast and talk about their not so good night sleep as it was very cold while admiring the view and the enjoying the ambience.

High class breakfast on Mt. Irau

After breakfast at about 8am, it was time to decamp. With the words of ex Raleigh president Adrian Yeo in mind, each person combed through the campsite as best as they could to collect rubbish as they were already pressed for time. Each one with a heavy heart, they took a last look around the campsite and a few customary group photos before it was time to start the journey back down to the entrance.

Packing up


Males vs Females

The last photo on the peak! YAY! we did it!

The Hike Down

While descending down Mount Irau, the troop meets another group of hikers who were on their way up. At half way point, CK contacted Marble to let them know that they were waiting for them at the entrance already. By then, the troop has already been hiking for about one and a half hours.

We used to dream. Not anymore, we were there!

Our friendly mountain cleaner!

Mossy land

After two hours hike down, they meet a European telling them that the entrance is in another 20min. Coincidently, Shi Wei told Marble that if they can reach the entrance in 20 min, CSW will be buy the group McDonalds. The bet was on. At the last slope, Zed and Marble managed to find an alternative route which needed some climbing skills (less muddy) which led them out to the pathway faster and enabling them to reach the entrance in 20min earning them their free McDonalds meal. At the same time Zed and Marble arrived Shi Wei walkied Marble to pressure him, but Marble has already reach the entrance followed by Choon Wei which led to Shi Wei’s disappointment.

Trust us, the hike was not that easy and covered with planks

Even if we came down dirty and hungry, we did it!

After all their cheering down, they put down their rucksacks and went back to help the rest up the last muddy slope. The first thing everyone did upon reaching the entrance was not to cheer in joy or to clean up themselves; it was to lie on the tar road exhausted from the hike. It was then that CK reported about their circumstances where they had to sleep in the car the previous night where it was very cold.  After hearing CK’s side of his adventure, everyone proceeded to clean up themselves and prepare for another session of group photos. This time around, all 15 people who came to conquer the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia manage to be in one photo.

ahah! paparazzis!

15 people to the 15th Highest peak in Malaysia

Last stops before home sweet home

Going all the way up to CH, the troop could not simply forgo visiting strawberry farms. Along the way to the strawberry farm, they encountered some mountain goats too. Most of them being city people, they had to get down and take some photos and pet the goats for sake of experience. Later on, the troop went on to have some leisure time at the BOH plantation pavilion. Sipping their cup of tea and enjoying the panoramic view of the plantation was one of the highlights of the day. Photography buffs and their willing subjects were seen rolling around the greenery.

could this be real

enjoyment comes in the 2 forms - a green can and a cup of tea

Raleigh's personal butlers

Enjoying the tea time

Us again, looking clean

We even conquer Mount Boh Tea =)

Raleigh's in house merman

As much as they wanted to stay longer, the troop had to make a move back home. Nevertheless, they were not going to leave home empty handed, thus all were given 30 minutes for their last shopping spree in the market. CK went on a sweet corn shopping frenzy where he manage to make a stall close by buying up all available stock of corn. Ange bought white radish which Marble says looks like trees. The rest were contented with their cactuses, souvenirs, vegetables and strawberries. Knowing that they have all got what they wanted, the troop continued back to Tanah Rata to have their lunch aka dinner and dessert.


how to help the economy - buy more corns and vegetables

Filled stomachs, empty pockets and bags of souvenirs and vegetables, the troop had to say their goodbyes to CH. After transportation was arranged, everyone got into their respective car and bid farewell. The road home was pleasant with the sight of a beautiful sunset on the journey back down to the foot hill.

Cheers to a great adventure!

12 conquered the peak and 3 conquered the bottom. Each with their own different point of view, but all 15 left with smiles on their face.

The sunset


Marble Goby, Evinn Soo, Ho Chung Shin, Haszaliza, Ange Tan and Yang Su Lan
Marble Goby
Special Thanks:
Vincent Tan, Adrian Yeo, Dino Kong and Christal Loh


Ange Tan

The only word I could think of is PLEASURABLE!!

Essentially gratifying, I am totally blown away at the mysterious sights of the jungle. Truly a sight to behold. Although it rained when we hiked up, I enjoyed the experience truly as it tests our determination to reach the peak and I enjoyed it every bit. As always, it is a pleasure to hike with a group of passionate people, simply enjoyable. If there are any other adventurous activities, please remember to invite me!



Daniel Wong

Haha. That was funny.

"Go challenge yourself. Go Gunung Irau. Get out there!"


Evinn Soo

It would be simply AMAZING!

 Love the weather, love the companion, love the trail, and love to drink at Boh tea. I just love everything about the Mt. Irau trip! (Thought overdosed of sausages/fish balls =P)

 Thanks guys for this awesome trip and am looking for more! =)




View was breathtaking!!! It was all green and mossy and feels like u r in another world...

Nice to hike in a cold weather but just remember to bring your raincoat coz it can be freaking freezing... but worth it!!!Plus, be prepared for the hike... if u didn’t hike for a long time nor did any running/exercise recently... you will end up ‘sakit2’ feeling like an old lady like me. I'm not sure about u guys... but I enjoy myself entirely... I enjoyed the company...

The scenery and food...what else did I miss? Thanks to the drivers & the car contributors...

And of coz many thanks for the organizer too...


Ho Chung Shin

Err for Irau, if wan to have one word only, I would say. Awesome! The most awesome part is we somehow realise that, Raleigh spirit is always there! We motivate people, we cheer for each other and we play together. Maybe people will think that, like CK said, why are we torturing our self for the weekend, but did we really felt like it was a torture? NO, I think we really enjoyed it and enjoyed it very very much ‘lagi’!

-Chung Shin-

Loo Shen Quang

Painstakingly enjoyable!

Because we suffer along the way carrying the load and when we reach to the top it was magnificently surreal because not only the view up there is breathtaking, you feel lighter as well (Like literally, cause your rucksack super heavy mah). Enjoyable trail with the magnificent black mud and oddly angled roots. Might be more enjoyable if the ice cream didn't melt. Cheh! Haha. I would say it is not the place that makes it magnificent but the company. Yay!

Thank to all who made it possible and to Marble for giving me this chance.

-Shen Quang-

Marble Goby


Talk about mini expedition in cold weather, nice scenery, muddy terrain, and The Lord of The Rings landscape? Definably it is Mount Irau.  I have a wonderful hike for Mount Irau and it feels like a sweet dream. It’s because of the team work that makes us achieved a very nice, sweet memorable memory.  Marvellous!!! Get Out There!!!


-Marble Goby-

Ng Zhi Min

'Extraordinary forest, people and spirit = unforgettable weekend'

Though it almost 1week after our extraordinary expedition, its feels like yesterday.

The forest is so mysterious, you touch their root, and you get yourself dirty in the mud, you proud that you able to reach the peak and satisfied that you are so close to the nature. The people and the spirit is what made the weekend so extraordinary and unforgettable. Though none of us been to the place before, we have no fear to the challenging trek, because we believe that as long as we stay together, we have the energy and with all our preserved food, we will be able to survive. The adventurous spirit and team spirit of all of us (you, you, you, you and you) made this trip fun and meaningful one!! =)

Thanks to all (including Shi Wei, Carrot and CK) for being part of my unforgettable weekend.

The trip is not about the peak, it is about the journey, the forest, the people and our spirits!

Special thanks to Marble Goby who planned this trip well!! Awesome!!

-Zhi Min-

Woo Shi Wei


Never done such crazy yet in my life so far.. It’s always Raleigh that gives me such awesome and great experience. The cold, the mud, the moss, the roots, the ppl, the spirit, the motivation and the craziness! =D Although it’s disappointing not to be able to reach the peak but the night expedition is really something else.. =)

Arigatou to Marble!


-Shi Wei-

Yong Wei Keen


-Wei Keen-

Yang Su Lan

One word can’t describe all.

Freezing weather,

Awe-inspiring jungle,

Marvellous companion,

Perfect weekend.

Thank you and everyone for making this trip a real happening one, except sausage feast, the steamboat was real good though.

-Su Lan-

Zed Chan Chee Song


It was a cool and cold trip along the way up to the peak, the 1st mountain that didn't make me sweat. The mossy and misty forest is like LOTR and is challenging when you are carrying a fully loaded rucksack and trying to avoid the muddy terrain. And to reach the peak you have to use both your hands and legs, that's one of the parts that I like. Having steamboat on top of the mountain is the most happening thing. It rains at night and everyone gathered under a fly sheet to enjoy their dinner. Although we didn't get to see the sunrise coz the peak is surrounded by trees, but I did get to see 'cloud sea' (clouds), which is nice and I took some photo of it.

This is a great 'trip'.... thanks to everyone for make this trip so unforgettable and thanks to Marble Goby for organizing it =)

Mt.Irau~~ I'm loving it~

Best Regards,

-Zed Chan-

Leong Chen Kang

Taken from CK's Facebook status dated 14 March at 23:19 -

God blessed me! I survived! 8 hours hike in total. 3 hours was in the dark. 3 peeps. 5 and a half legs. 2 head torches. 1 non-functional hand torch. 2 persons were carrying 3 heavy backpacks. It was really glad we managed to find our way out! I appreciate my life even more now!

-C K-

Felix Lai Fook Yen

Thian Choon Wei