March Monthly Meet: Gunung Datuk

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Nestled at about 800m above sea level, Gunung Datuk divulge about a magnificent of Rembau, Putrajaya and the Straits of Malacca.

In this March Monthly meet, we, Raleighians, spent our time hiking up Gunung Datuk to inhale the freshness and richness of nature. In midst of doing so, we also enjoyed splendid time with new acquaintances and friends!

View from the pinnacle of Gunung Datuk 

At the foothill of Gunung Datuk, we had brief self-introduction and discussion on ongoing projects and expedition! The trekking started after briefing on some cautious and safety issues. Wait no more….Everyone seemed to be excited!

 CK, our skills officer conducting the monthly meet

Trekking and trekking! It was not an easy trek especially for first timer but neither it was a hard trek. After all nothing is impossible. Giggling and jokes were surrounding us while we were taking on this terrain; it definitely bonded us as we stride our way up to the pinnacle of Gunung Datuk.

 Group shot during the trekking journey

 Almost there! Heading to the peak!

Before reaching the summit, we had reached to an open, unoccupied space mainly used for campsite, just right below the summit. Next, numerous wobbly ladders were placed for us to go further to the pinnacle of Gunung Datuk. Indeed it was not for the faint-hearted.

Voila!!!!!, finally we had reached to the pinnacle of Gunung Datuk. Everyone was just relaxing while enjoying the view in the vicinity of our friends. We indulged ourselves with some light snacks, freshly cut watermelon! And some even choose to cook the best food ever! Mi SEDAP, instant noodle at the acclivity. What could we ask for more while some people were strongly attracted to corn crackers?

It definitely diverts our attention from a sudden ambush of bees!

Bees attack!

Group shot at the peak

Verdict! It is all worthwhile, even it was a bit of a challenging and strenuous while hiking up Gunung Datuk. But then we were rewarded with impeccable view of Straits of Malacca could be seen clearly on that day and nothing will dispirit us for more!


April Monthly Meet: Blood, Saltwater and Pee

Posted by Poh-E in

Arrival: Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan
Departure: Pulau Rupat, Sumatra
Estimated time of arrival: 18 hours

Mode of transport: Swimming

May 1992. Members of Raleigh Support Group Malaysia swam across the Straits of Malacca from Sumatra to Port Dickson in 18 hours, raising over RM40,000 in funds.

Swimming in the dark, freezing waters, past 2am in the morning, in the middle of a storm.

Sabahan, Sham Osman was in his 20s at that time, fundraising for his own second expedition. Hear from him first hand details of this classic Raleigh fundraising story.

Blood, saltwater and pee.

Date: 21 April 2012, Saturday
Time: 8:30am (Please be punctual!)
Location: Rakan Muda Clubhouse (Pejabat Belia dan Sukan Kawasan Kepong/Segambut)

8:30am - Registration
9:00am - Ice-breaker
9:30am - Sharing of Straits of Malacca Swim by Sham
10:30am - EGM
11: 30am - Monthly meet update
12: 30pm - Wrap up

How do I register?

Register yourself at

Any queries, call:
1. C.K (012-3852051)
2. Li Ann (012-2069443)
3. Qing (016-2050540) – sms preferred
4. Hii Ning (012-2263277)


The End for 12A is just The Beginning.

Posted by Poh-E in

The end is nigh for our fellow venturers of 12A. If you haven't been following what they have gone through, perhaps take some time here to see where they have been. The stories that they will tell will be priceless. Their memories will last a lifetime. Their experiences will serve them in the future. Knowing and doing are two different things. At least they can say "I have gone OUT THERE and came back alive."

Their journey. Tracked over 10 weeks in no particular order.
Yu Wei (Fishtail) seen here trekking in the treacherous path to Mount Doom Mengkaladom trail. She was in Alpha 9. Trek then Diving then Trek again.
Oh so fun!

Chen Haw and Vilkon. Respectively from West and East Malaysia,
who by sheer fate met during expedition on Alpha 1 Phase 2 in Kg. Mandurian.
They were there building a kindergarten for the local school children.
Children and education should always go hand in hand to make a better future.

Forgot a formal introduction for Suh Huey Yap. She is the 7 weeker that came by. She will be going to Alpha 1 to help with the building of the kindergarten as well. This kindergarten will usually take three phases. Wish her luck and some tan too!

Jeremy Cheang (He is 5th head from the right) tugging his way into Alpha 4 for Phase 2. There these men and women become animal lovers and help with the Sun Bear sanctuary in Sepilok.

Chen Yang behind his Alpha 2. They were doing gravity water feed system.
What system is that you say?
Literally what it says. Feeds water through gravity pull to nearby villages.
Yes, long pipes need to be installed.
Whoever said a venturers life is easy.

Yi Xiong has been to Alpha 3 @ Kampung Imusan. There he will help with the irrigation of water into the village. An important task and no easy feat. See if you can spot him in the picture.

Kit Yen seen here carrying water pipes for Alpha 3 Phase 2. In his own words.
"Alpha 3, one of the community projects in phase 2 of Raleigh Expedition Borneo 12A, is a gravity feed water project in a small village near Telupid called Kampung Imusan (Imusan Village) Although situated right beside Sangai Kinabatangan (Kinabatangan River) the longest river in Sabah, villagers have to depend on an alternate water source for their daily usage, rainwater, due to the pesticides and mud from palm oil plantations and logging activities upstream polluting the water. Hence, supported by PACOS and sponsored by The Coke Foundation, Raleigh International will provide a sustainable water source to the village by building a gravity feed water system. "

Liang Keat (Bo) ready to jump into the cooling refreshing water fall. Will he dare? Stay tuned to find out. (Actually I also don't know. Ask him when you see him next)

Khai Ping during his Trek Dive Trek paying attentively to the "Legend" Nooh for survival tecniques.
Alpha 9 Phase 2

En De has gone to Alpha 8 for Trekking and Diving. Can you trek for 12 Days in the jungle? You will never know till you find out. Ask any venturers you see too. If they are alive...

And so it has come to this. Their journey now has reached a small bump. Our journey never ends, it just gets a little bumpy at some place. This is expedition life. Some think of it as a lifetime experience. An experience where you don't get it anywhere else. But obviously for them, 12A, it is not about the money or the price tag that follows from going to expedition. It is about making the world dance together. Watch it. It will be worth it. Trust me. =)

The video says it all. If you are interested in your own, do send an email to

The end of a new beginning for these crazy bunch eh?

Your friendly neighbourhood expedition officer,
Shen Quang