Joining activities

Posted by Poh-E in

Raleigh KL's activities and communities are open to all ages, nationalities, backgrounds, members and non-members alike. Our regular monthly meets are typically on the first Saturday of the month, centering around adventure, community, environment and youth. In between, we also have projects, roadshows, fundraising and venturer-initiated activities.

As we are a non-profit organisation, a small fee may be charged to help cover the basic costs of running the activity. Members are given preferential rates during our activities. Non-members are also most welcomed to participate. Click here to find out more about membership privileges and being a member.

Participants may need to apply to join certain activities which has limited spaces such as the Introduction Weekend. The application form will specify the participant requirements.

Click Home for news of our latest activities, or view the news archives by categories. You can also join our Facebook communities or subscribe to our Yahoo!Groups at the side panel to receive regular updates.


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