Calling all Malaysians between the ages of 17 t 25 years!
Would you be interested to join a hundred strangers, walk a thousand miles. With no change of socks. To sleep with bugs & bathe in rivers. To discover yourself whilst helping the local community and learning about the Earth & Environment?
Would you give up the comforts of your home in pursuit of a CrAZy dream?
Raleigh International is giving you that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with their Programmes (formerly known as Expeditions)!
The next Malaysian Programmes are on:
Summer 07 Sabah-- 4 July '07 to 11 Sept '07
Autumn 07 Sabah-- 2 Oct '07 to 10 Dec '07
To find out more or for joining instructions, contact
- Siaw Ling (017-322 1377)
-Nathrah (012-268 2403)
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