Fundraising for Belize: My Inside Story

Posted by Poh-E in ,

by Chan Yoon Mae, Belize 01B

The inside story of how a college student raised over RM11,000 in just two
months for her expedition to a Mayan country in Central America.

Raleigh KL August Monthly Meeting and EGM
Date: 4 August 2007 (This Saturday)
Time: 530pm - 730pm
Venue: IYC, International Youth Centre, Cheras
(Change from RMC due to sudden renovation works)
(Transport provided from LRT Station. Refer below for IYC map and transport)

5.30pm Welcome & News Update
6.00pm Fundraising for Belize: My Inside Story
6.45pm EGM: Committee Appointments & Treasurer Report
7.15pm Any Other Matters
7.30pm End

IYC Map and Transport
- For those coming by KTM, drop off at Bandar Tasik Selatan, then board Star
LRT to Bandar Tun Razak.


Venturer Open Day, 29 July

Posted by Poh-E in

We had an open day on Sunday specially for ex-IW participants. Among the workshops were:
  • Orienteering, by Sham
A veteran of four expeditions, Sham is extremely familiar with the jungle. He showed how to find bearings with the compass and GPS (Global Positioning System). He also had tips on what to do when lost and how to create your own compass.
  • Basic first aid, by Sean
A staff of Sunway Medical Centre, Sean shared his medical and first aid knowledge on handling common emergency situations, keeping healthy and preventing illness in the jungle, common items in the medikit, and the wonders of a teaspoon of salt and sugar.
  • Basic Campcraft, by Alan and Vig
Senior members of Raleigh KL, Alan and Vig demonstrated on everything a venturer needed to know about choosing a campsite for the nite, setting up the hammock and basha, selecting a rucksack and using common camping tools.

There were also updates of the latest exciting Raleigh projects in Sabah and William shared about his expedition 06A experience.

This event was exclusively for participants who had successfully completed an Introduction Weekend, with special invitations to participants since IW Nov'05. This venturer drive was for the upcoming expedition. As a result two people signed up for the October expedition.

[05G Photo by Shih Chung]


Visit by Raleigh China

Posted by Poh-E in

A representative from Raleigh China came to visit us in KL last week. Raleigh China has just been established this month, and they were looking to establish connections with other support groups, as well as to share ideas for their new organisation.

Lily is one power packed lady. Although she has never been on expedition, she was invited to join Raleigh China because of her work with a rural community in Xinjiang. She is also an avid traveller and talented photographer. Her pictures made us drop dead in the mamak where we were standing/sitting. Not very good for the mamak staff. You can check out her photos at her blog.

[(c)2007 Vignes Balasingam]


Chong Hwa, 24 July

Posted by Poh-E in

Raleigh KL went to Chong Hwa last week to share about expedition. The Chong Hwa friends we made from our Introduction Weekend in Jan'07 helped to spread the word around (special thanks to Bryan, Kay Li, Pui Li, Yu Min, Ze Xin, and those who may have helped out behind the scenes.)

We flashed lots of pictures from the international and Sabah expedition. Among the feedback from the small audience was they had never seen anything like it before. As a result 100% sign ed up as interested in the upcoming Introduction Weekend.


Intro Weekend Officer is Recruiting!

Posted by Poh-E in

Have you been on IW or Expedition?
Interested to apply as staff for the upcoming IW?
Then save the date for 17 August 2007!

[Click poster to enlarge]


Seven days after 07/07/07

Posted by Poh-E in

There is Boeing 777 and 7-11 chain of convenience stores. Snow White has the 7 dwarfs, there are 7 Dragon Balls, and James Bond is 007.

So what was this SEVEN all about?

Raleigh KL's July SEVEN Monthly Meet.

We held our first monthly meet since the recent AGM in the classic Rakan Muda Clubhouse. There was a flash presentation on the significance of the number 7 in Raleigh's history. Among others:
The 7 seas that the first ship for Operation Drake (predecessor to Raleigh) travelled in.
The 7 wonders built by Raleigh in Sabah.
The 7 sins on expedition. No points for guessing who fitted in for lust.
The 7th Sabah expedition for Country Director Rory Hall.

We also had fun & games where the winning team got 7 cans of 7-Up from 7-11, a great thirst quencher on a warm evening.

Upcoming activities:
  • Open Day: Venturer Drive, 29 July
Pick up skills for expedition life! Proposed activities include constructing A-frame, emergency casevac and cooking a jungle meal. Open to all ex-IW participants.
  • Introduction Weekend, 17 Aug
Hiring for staff now! Contact Intro Weekend Officer Shirleen for info.
  • Special skills seminar, Sept
Finding your value in the team. Watch out for updates.

Photos from the meet [Click to enlarge]

[Photos by Vig]


EGM Appointments

Posted by Poh-E in

Announcing the appointment of the new committee members!
  • William Chan, Treasurer
William is neither cold nor calculative, but he is careful with money and financially prudent. He was venturer on Expedition 06A.
  • Tan Bee Li, Membership Officer
As membership officer, Bee Li brings her passion and commitment to sow the old Raleigh spirit. She was on Expedition 06E and does radio sitreps over email.
  • Shirleen Wong, Introweek Officer
Shirleen returns to the committee for a special term. She has been involved as staff with several Intro Weekends since her Expedition 05C and is paranoid of conmen.
  • Christal Loh, PR Officer
While not yet a venturer, Christal has been actively organising events including the Christmas Fundraising and the Raleigh Asia Regional Conference 2006. Her strength lies in design which would be useful for the website, blog and newsletter.
  • Ng Siaw Ling, Logistics Officer
Siaw Ling is a veteran of Raleigh KL. She joined Expedition 03C and for this special term, she brings with her the experience of serving in 3 previous committees in various positions.


What does snow white, dragon ball, James Bond & Country Director Rory Hall have in common...?

Posted by Poh-E in

Click on the image to find out!


Lend a hand at WWF's Turtle Project

Posted by Poh-E in

WWF are recruiting volunteers for their turtle conservation project to be held on 13 & 14 July 2007. The project which emphasises on "Conservation of Hawksbill Turtle and Painted Terrapin" is based in Tg. Bidara, Melaka.

Volunteers are needed for the beach clean-up & to assist WWF with the Turtle Camp for school children, organised in conjunction with the launch of satellite telemetry tracking on the Hawksbill Turtle.

The activities for Turtle Camp will start at 3.00pm and the programme involves treasure hunt, turtle hatchling release and drawing & colouring contest.

Below are the details of the weekend:

13th July 2007
3.00 pm - Registration of children from 9 primary schools
4.00 " - Ice-Breaking session
5.00 " - Treasure Hunt by the beach
8.00 " - Dinner
9.00 " - Release of hatchling ( if available )
10.00 " - Drawing contest

14th July
8.30 am - Speech by Director of Fisheries, Melaka
9.00 " - Speech by Director General of fisheries, Malaysia
9.30 " - Release of Turtle with satellite tracking device
10.00 " - Tea Break
10.30 " - Colouring contest and Beach clean-up
12.00 " - Prize Giving
12.30 " - Lunch
12.50 " - End

So, if you’re interested in turtles, care about the environment & have the time to spare, why not head down to Melaka for this worthy cause? Contact Mr. Ernest Chiam, the WWF Community Liaison Officer at:

Tel/Fax: 06-3851 559
Mobile : 012-6318 222
Email :