So what was this SEVEN all about?
Raleigh KL's July SEVEN Monthly Meet.
We held our first monthly meet since the recent AGM in the classic Rakan Muda Clubhouse. There was a flash presentation on the significance of the number 7 in Raleigh's history. Among others:
The 7 seas that the first ship for Operation Drake (predecessor to Raleigh) travelled in.
The 7 wonders built by Raleigh in Sabah.
The 7 sins on expedition. No points for guessing who fitted in for lust.
The 7th Sabah expedition for Country Director Rory Hall.
We also had fun & games where the winning team got 7 cans of 7-Up from 7-11, a great thirst quencher on a warm evening.
Upcoming activities:
- Open Day: Venturer Drive, 29 July
Pick up skills for expedition life! Proposed activities include constructing A-frame, emergency casevac and cooking a jungle meal. Open to all ex-IW participants.
- Introduction Weekend, 17 Aug
Hiring for staff now! Contact Intro Weekend Officer Shirleen for info.
- Special skills seminar, Sept
Finding your value in the team. Watch out for updates.
Photos from the meet [Click to enlarge]
[Photos by Vig]