
Posted by Poh-E in , , ,

Here are the updates for the past few projects of Raleigh KL:

Two Post Introduction Weekend (PIW) projects have been completed successfully. Missed out? Attended? Why not check out these blog entries to see if you can spot yourself in the pictures?


Here's the not-so-recent project by Team Charlie IW December 2007 doing their bit in environmental conservation in Gelang Patah, Johor.

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Now, here's the more recent project by Team Alpha IW December 2007, where the group spent a day with children from Precious Home painting T-shirts to fundraise followed by a fun-filled trip to the National Zoo. Weeeee~~ [Blog contribution by Pey Yi; one of the Alpha members]

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Next up:

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Cycling in Taman Pertanian for February Monthly Meet

Followed by:
MMM (March Monthly Meet) at FRIM.
Check out the blog entry by Zhi Yong; one of the "freshly" returned Venturers from Sabah for the day's happenings during the longest canopy walk in South East Asia.

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Special blog entries by Li Vyen where she reminisce about her fundraising experiences as well her thoughts on Expedition, what I felt should be titled: "Why you, YES YOU! must go for a Raleigh Expedition in Sabah?"

A final update on Tahan:
168 Tahan-Adventure will officially start tomorrow where 18 Raleigh-ians will be trekking deep in the jungle of Taman Negara to conquer the peak of Tahan at 2,187 metres, where it is reputably the toughest trek in Southeast Asia. After months of training with hike up Gunung Datuk, and the recent double dose of the mentally torturous Gunung Nuang, the group is all set for the back to nature 7-days trek.

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The day-hikers at Gunung Datuk Peak

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The trekkers at Gunung Nuang, Kem Pacat

Credits: Thanks to all bloggers, writers, photographers and blog contributers namely, Ming Yuan (Luke), Pey Yi, Zhi Yong, Li Vyen and Chin Gian.


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