Feb Monthly Meet: Gong Xi Gong Xi

Posted by Poh-E in

Gong Xi Gong Xi!!

This February, Raleigh KL presents you an awesome wholesome CNY cum PIW celebration party at Bukit Jalil Park.

What is it all about?
Super yummy Raleigh rations + chinese new year snacks + 101% of creativity = Raleigh's style Picnic
Passionate youths + amazing party games + running around = Raleigh's style Celebration
PIW & Expedition updates + Picnic + Games = Feb Monthly Meet

Are you excited? Wait no more! Come join us at February Monthly Meet! You may meet your IW mates, getting updates of Expedition 10A, celebrate the completion of PIW projects, hang out with your favourite Raleigh friends, and most of all to experience the spirit of GETTING OUT THERE!

Come come come! Mari mari mari! Lai lai lai!
Register yourself at:

Date: 6 Feb 2010
Time: 8am
Meeting point: Bukit Jalil LRT station
Fee: RM 8 (members and non members - CNY special - only happens for this CNY)

What to bring?
You, Kamu & Ni

Any inquiries, please email monthlymeet@raleighinternational.org.my. I will get back to you soonest possible.

See you next Saturday! I promise each of you will receive a handful of surprises by the end of the day~

Best Regards,
Lu Yi
Skills Officer
Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur
e :
m: +6019 268 9286


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