R---est & R---elax with R---aleigh!

Posted by Poh-E in

Hello everyone! Time flies! It’s already the second half of 2010!

For all these months, we run, run run, hike, hike, hike! This month, it’s talk, talk, talk, eat, eat, eat at Taman Jaya. It’s time we take a real R-- elax moment and have a Raleigh kind of picnic! We’ll be doing not-so-random activities at a random time…for example, under the full moon? Bring anything you want (guitar, flute, make-shift drums?) but most importantly, bring your ears and your mouth and YOU – because Raleigh will provide the basic necessities of food, drinks and music.

Get to know what Raleigh is, what we’ve been doing, what's the future, about the expeditions, the committee (aka Yes!-they-slave-for-free-and-are-enjoying-themselves-team), and other volunteering opportunities. So, join us for a good laugh, some inspiring/awesome/amazing/wow-inducing stories and it’s not just about us, but use this to voice out YOUR suggestions as well.

The details
What? It’s a laid-back picnic.

Where? Taman Jaya Recreational Park (http://my.pagenation.com/kul/Park%20Taman%20Jaya_101.6498_3.1051.map).

When? 6th August 2010 (note that it's a Friday night!)

Time? 7.30pm (meet at LRT station) until 9.30pm

How do I get there? We’ll be meeting at Taman Jaya LRT station. The park is walking distance but we will have drivers to get you there.

Fees? RM9 for non-members and RM6 for members.

What to bring? Yourself, stories, questions, and anything else for a picnic.

How do I register? Just fill in this form HERE.

Registration deadline is 5th August 2010 (Thursday) 7pm.

Any queries please contact May (012 - 308 1079) at email: monthlymeet@raleighinternational.org.my

Don’t miss another great chance to GET OUT THERE!



Updates - July Monthly Meet

Posted by Poh-E in

Note from Webmaster: Blogpost  is contributed by Chew Yoke Yuen aka Pipo. Thanks Pipo!

Hello July! Hello Tabur!

We are still in July, so here is a little update from our July Monthly Meet, a visit to Bukit Melawati / Bukit Tabur

What did we do? As usual, meet up, briefing, meeting, and this time we had a special mini reunion for Delta from IW December 09

Coords and their anaks =)

Then, we started our hike! We walked and talked and laughed…..

Great time and beautiful scenery along the way…

p/s: Check out the black layer of polluted air surrounding KL

Here comes the challenging part, we climbed and climbed and climbed.

Still climbing...

From one peak to another peak!

The view from another peak :)

Finally, ta-da! We reached the peak! Had our lunch and hiked down before the hot sun had us all roasted. As usual, a group picture to end our day.

That’s all for now. Thank you for all who made it, see you peeps in August Monthly Meet! For those who missed the July’s fun, come join us in August!

Photo credits to Ricky, Shi Han, Marble and Cynthia.


of mud, sand, husks & bricks !!

Posted by Poh-E in , ,


Date : 25th July 2010 (Sunday)

Time : 8am (we might end by noon due to hot weather)

*For those meeting up at Putra Terminal please be there by
...7.30am (sharp)

Location : Kampung Cottage, 55th mile Gombak (heading towards the Orang Asli Museum)

Overall Target : To build mud huts for the use of caretaker; Uncle Din and
volunteers, ecotourists and organic farming apprentice

Currently we are at the beginning stage;
Various lengths of bamboo have been cut in order to build a shelter- which would protect the mud bricks during process of building until the atap roof is in place..

We need volunteers to;
· Collect and dry lalang
· Collect mud
· Organize the mud brick mixing area
· Build the brick mould
· Make mud bricks
· Fill sand bags
· Build cement foundation frames
· Install pillars
· Pour foundation
· Build walls
· Install windows & doors
· Plaster the walls

All the above activities will be conducted in stages depending on the number of volunteers we have.

All volunteers need to ensure their personal safety by wearing;
· long pants
· long sleeves
· shoes / adidas kampong
· hats
· cotton work gloves


Click here to register

We also recommend participants to bring personal supply of plaster, enough drinking water and some snacks as there are no shops in the area of work.

Please inform us before hand regarding the number of volunteers you would come along with so that we could work out the workload and coordinate the activities.

We ensure those who participate will gain knowledge as well as have fun with new friends!!! Hope to see you there!!!

* We will collect (Raleigh member) RM3 per person
       (non- member) RM5 per person
for the petrol and drinks/ snacks!!!
It will be hot and sunny day!!! ^^

For further enquiries, please do contact

Ricky : 016-901 4680 / ryucheah@hotmail.com
ALex : 016-928 5146 / avtogether@hotmail.com
May : 012-308 1079 / msn - blue_crimson_sky@hotmail.com


We've got a mail... to you, you, you and YOU!

Posted by Poh-E in ,

You will know it when you get a letter that looks like this:

Addressed to our PO Box address, with a hint, "Remember to check PO Box arrr, don't let it grow dust for three monthssss"

First Page...

Second Page...

Third page (from GQ with love)...

Fourth page (GQ cont')...

"All of us are pretty but stinky!!!" - Ange

"Raleigh Rocks!" - Sandra

"I'm thankful to be part of this and thank you so MUCH everyone" - Arina

"Quote from Anna, our guide, "EVERYONE LOOKS PRETTY IN JUNGLE" I am lucky to be part of it!" - GQ

"Carrot is having a lotsssss of fun here!" - CS

"Real adventure is starting tomorrow but it feels like we hv been here for ages" - Chee Huan