Updates - July Monthly Meet

Posted by Poh-E in

Note from Webmaster: Blogpost  is contributed by Chew Yoke Yuen aka Pipo. Thanks Pipo!

Hello July! Hello Tabur!

We are still in July, so here is a little update from our July Monthly Meet, a visit to Bukit Melawati / Bukit Tabur

What did we do? As usual, meet up, briefing, meeting, and this time we had a special mini reunion for Delta from IW December 09

Coords and their anaks =)

Then, we started our hike! We walked and talked and laughed…..

Great time and beautiful scenery along the way…

p/s: Check out the black layer of polluted air surrounding KL

Here comes the challenging part, we climbed and climbed and climbed.

Still climbing...

From one peak to another peak!

The view from another peak :)

Finally, ta-da! We reached the peak! Had our lunch and hiked down before the hot sun had us all roasted. As usual, a group picture to end our day.

That’s all for now. Thank you for all who made it, see you peeps in August Monthly Meet! For those who missed the July’s fun, come join us in August!

Photo credits to Ricky, Shi Han, Marble and Cynthia.


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  1. Great post, amazing photos!

    Not bad eh, for a first timer blogger?
