Reason # 1:
Pea-sized frogs found in Borneo
"Raleigh expedition country Borneo can boast another environmental credential after one of the world's tiniest frogs, barely larger than a pea, has been accidentally found on the island."
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Reason # 2:
Gap year ‘more than a boost to the CV'
"One of Raleigh's participants Nicholas Oldroyd found that it was the general experience that helped him find a job when he returned to the UK. He said: "As important as they are on expedition, skills such as survival, medical and radio weren't the most important lessons that Raleigh taught me. It was actually the frame of mind, my sense of purpose and achievement and my attitude that anything is possible - that is what has really helped. Working together with people of all nationalities and knowing that your limit is always that little further in front was a great experience"."
For full article, kindly click on to this link:
Reason # 3:
Orangutans use mime to communicate, new footage reveals
"The recordings of rehabilitated orangutans released into a Borneo forest show the apes miming actions such as cracking open termite mounds, washing themselves and using a leaf to clean a wounded foot.
Raleigh expedition country Borneo, as well as the island of Sumatra, are the only places in the world to see wild orangutans. The Sepilok sanctuary in Sabah, where Raleigh is based, offers gap year travellers the opportunity to see the majestic creatures up close and personal."
Why not you find out from the ex-venturers themselves if they have seen any orang utans in the wild?
For the full story, please click here:
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