Will this make your day?

Posted by Poh-E in

It made mine.

I received a phone call, from a Venturer who have just returned a day ago from Sabah, after their amazing time so well spent in Expedition.

We did a little bit of catch up, and my friend - Shi Han reminded me that she called for a reason:

To help her expedition mate to pass on and share this poem to the Raleigh world.

As much as the few of us could not wait for her email, Shi Han too offered to read out "No Regrets" to us. The "Jam" was something foreign to us, as typically we will call it "Jam" as in "Jem", but our friend pronounced it, "Jam" as in "Jum"... Thanks to Yein for spotting that out and asked, "Shi Han, can I ask you something, What's "Jum" ???" That quietly reminds me that all of us, ex-Venturers somehow has a "Brit-accent", somewhere within us.

And this is it - No Regrets, by Shen Quang Loo, Raleigh 10 J Ex-Venturer

Feels like a sense of warmth, and a reminiscence of your adventure? Glad to have another group of latest mates to share the jungle stories?

Yet to be Ex-Venturer,
Explore. Engage. Excite <- Quoted from the last Raleigh Asia Regional Conference theme.

Get out there bah!

Kar Lye
Expedition Borneo 07 F


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  1. yes, it did make my day. looks like porridge never got out from the main menu. hahaa!! ~ Michelle 97G Malaysia.

  2. and the british pronunciaiton of "parang" will be "per-rang", rang rang should be pronounced like the one in "ring rang rung".
    ---i won a parang queen award,09E expedition.
