IW Dec 2011 is BACK!!!! Staff Registration

Posted by Poh-E in

Ladies and Gents !! Listen Up !! The long awaited IW DEC 2011 is here once again !!!

Previously we had a great GREAAAT time....

But then...was it enough ?? No way!!! This round we are going to make it even more happening !!!

Now officially recruiting staff for the upcoming IW.

For those who have been supporting us, welcome back !!!

Nevertheless, for those who missed the chance or those who attended IW but ain't got enough;

Well, what are you waiting for? THIS IS IT!

It will be my great honour to have YOU in the forthcoming IW.

Dates: 16th - 18th DEC 2011

** Positions to be filled up:

1. Coordinators (8 Positions)

-To be the daddy and mummy of the participants during the IW and PIWP**

-Only open to ex-venturers only.

2. Camp Chief +Assistant (2 Positions)

- In charge of the whole camp site which include water supplies, decent meals and not

forgetting the safety of both participants and staffs.

- Need a few recces to survey the place to ensure everything falls according to plan.

3. Logistics Team (5 Positions)

- In charge of transportation of equipments, participants and staffs during IW and

- Need at least 2 recces to survey the camp/game sites.

- To coordinate a cleaning session (of equipments) some time after IW

"All Logistics Team Members will be able to experience the Facilitator Role"

4. Medic Team (3 Positions)
- Responsible for all participants and staff medical issue during IW.

- Must have related background knowledge.

5. Game Facilitators+Camp (15 Positions)

- To facilitate and adjudicate the assigned games + briefing and debriefing

- To make sure that the game site and equipments are safe to be used

- Offering help to Camp Chief when needed.

- Have to attend one of the training/briefing sessions

"All Camp Staff will be able to experience the Facilitator Role"

6. Friday team (5 Positions)
- For those who can't make it for IW, you still can help us on Friday's receptions.

- Managing the participants and also to help out spreading the work load.

7. Sunday team (5 Positions)
- For those who can't make it for IW, you still can help us on Sunday's home coming.
- Getting the key and setting up the room at RMC
- More details will be shared soon.

Please take note that a minimal contribution fee of RM10*` will be collected from all staff on the 16th of DEC 2011 during registration at RMC.

** Please fill up this form with the post that you are interested at the link below


Please do not hesitate to contact me should there be any queries.

A chance for you to meet more new friends, try out new roles, acquire new skills and most importantly to have an AWESOME time!!

So waste no time and register NOW as staff intake will be based on a first come first serve basis.

Click the link now because I want to see YOU in the coming IW !

Also, find it on Facebook at the link below:


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