January MM: Staff Training

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Want to improve your facilitation skills? Here's your golden opportunity! Raleigh Kuala Lumpur is very honoured to have Pei Ting, an ex-outward bound school instructor, to host a FACILITATION WORKSHOP for all you Raleigh-ians! Here's what she has to say!! 

"Having been a rookie facilitator and coordinator myself once before, I understand how difficult it is to master this skill without any concrete idea or guidelines to start with. As I steadily gain experience as a professional instructor, I was concious that these are the kind of knowledge that will be very beneficial for Raleigh KL to run a better IW. I have previously worked with previous IW officers to improve on coordinator and facilitation manuals. Now I have an opportunity to be here to conduct a workshop that can provide people with hands on and practical experience. Granted this training will not automatically make you a great facilitator. Facilitation is a skill that takes lots of time and practise. I myself am still learning. But hopefully through this training, Raleigh folks can be expose to a few tips and tricks of facilitation, and be better equipped to run a more impactful IW for future Raleigh-ians!" -Pei Ting

If you have registered as a staff for the upcoming IW, this is a great way to get yourself ready for the challenges ahead!

Furthermore, there are only 20 spaces available!

Hurry up and sign up here!


Here's the agenda for our training sessions

Day 1:
0900 - 1230 The Foundation

From the name game other team bonding activities, get to know each other better! Team chemistry definitely helps everyone to work as a single unit.

1230 - 1400 Lunch

Take your time to recharge yourself for a afternoon of soaking in a pool of knowledge and experience.

1400 - 1500 Building Blocks

Learn about the basic concepts of facilitation and the ingredients that make up a excellent facilitator.

1500 - 1800 Get your trusses straight

We give you some personal development training so that you improve both as a facilitator and a human being.

1900 - late We're all humans too

Now that your brain is full of important stuff, kick back, relax, have dinner and maybe watch a movie or two to let the knowledge set.

0800 - 1000 New perspectives

Go in-depth on the games we carry out during IW and find new ways to learn more from them.

1000 - 1500 Experiential time (we'll lunch in between)

Time to put what you have learnt to good use!

1500 - 1600 Final loose ends

We wrap things up with a Q&A session and you are good to go!

COMPULSORY items for participants:

- minimum 1 pair of socks
- journal / notebook & pen
- some sort of fabric for blindfold
- open mind & sense of humour


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