Alpha : We Begin with a Simple Idea, for a Wondeful Reason

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Team Alpha will be having a fund raising event this coming Sunday (20th Jan 2008) for our PIWP project.

On 6th of January, we have been to the Precious Children Home. Precious Children Home consists of 24 kids aged around 4 to 17 years old. We begun our PIWP project by guiding the children to draw their own favourable designs on the white T-shirts. This is to exposed the hidden talent of the child and meanwhile, to share our time with the children.

Basically, we are cooperating with the children in this project. We hoped that the youngsters will understand the concept of "No pain, no gain". Anyhow, things which are earned by own effort brings out inner self-satisfaction rite.=)

Now, Team Alpha hopes to fund raise by helping the children to sell the T-shirts to the neighbourhood in PJ Old Town Area. We are going from house to house. It is like doing odd jobs, instead of washing the cars, we sell the T-shirts.

The details of the event are as follow:

Date : Sunday, 20th of Jan, 2008.
Time : 10am
Venue: Meet at Taman Jaya LRT Station

We will be very grateful if any Raleigh-ians could provide us with transport. One to two cars is more than enough.So, any gentlemen or fairladies can give us a lift? =) Thanks in advance.

Everybody is welcomed to join. Your help and support is much appreciated.

Should you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us.
Peyyi : 016-3848869, peyyitan[at]
Chee Ler: 019-2041357
Suk Ee: 016-6359188

Thank you.



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  1. If CK doesn't need any other people to help with washing the tents in Bukit Jalil I think I can come.

    I ask CK first ya.

  2. Ok, hope to hear from you soon. =)
