kl towerthon 2009

Posted by Poh-E in

after a month of practicing,finally there comes the day of tie legs towerthon.

woke up early in the morning, anticipating the moment to arrive.

arrived at the starting point and meet dino,karlye,luyi,luying,peiting,christal (who all ran from karlye's hse ,which is located at kl central,to kl tower as last minute RIMM training..
only raleigh ppl will do this kind of crazy and silly thing. but i'm so grateful to join this crazy family, to do things where normal ppl wont do.)

[group photo]

after approximately an hour of taking photo session/chit chat session/last training session/breakfast session,the comes 8.45am. the women open category is abt to start. sympathetic effect is taking place and my heart is beating in such vigorous tempo.so as shiwei's.

as the gun fired,the excitement mounted and we started to run!
(on the other hand raleigh gang berkecoh-kecoh along the road to do publicity.)

huh,i really felt the 1km uphill tar road was very much harder than 2058 steps on the stairs.at first, we wasn't that synchonised and we cant run fast.both of us were gasping for more oxygen and my leg muscles starting to get sore. but,okay, after a month of training,i believed myself to be mentally fit-at least i'm determined enough to endure the muscle sore and continue running without stopping.

finally we're at the tower base and started our journey of the never ending climb.we sweat inside out,outside in even before we reached mid tower.i dunno how many floors are there,we climbed and climbed and climbed.by the way, i enjoy reading all the sportsman's quotes.although some quotes doesn't really inspired me,it fun to find out what these ppl spoke before.


at some floors,there's water break.it was really a temptation to stay at the air-conditioned room but not to forgot our initial thought was to complete our mission.shi wei asked me to time her so we are not staying in the room for a long time.we agreed on the time 3minutes. but then i timed less than that.
experiment conclusion:unless you test urself fully,you cant know your true limits.

along the way up,saw some really fit veteran running up as if he's still a teenager.saw some not so fit uncle auntie was taking their own leisure time to wander up the stairs.saw some school boys sprang up like hell.saw some photographer we pose.saw some exhausted runner we smiled to encourage each other.saw some category E participants and i started to get nervous because we're taking too long to accomplish our task!

eventually and without realizing, we reached towerhead 3 and finished the race.after we have returned the number chip,we walked downstairs in 3 legs to towerhead 1-a place where u can have a 360 degree birdeye's view of kl city.then, we posed again.oh ya..not to forget to thank our official photographer christal and my official camera nikon D60 for all the photos taken.
since there's so many ppl q-ing up for the only lift to get down to towerbase, we loitered around towerhead to do some publicity.too bad there wasn't any media,i guessed they went down to take the winners' photographs .only some random curious uncle asking why are we tying legs together.

got down to meet fellow raleigh-ians and got my first medal!-a finisher medal in the goodie bag.i'm happy enough to get a medal.i'll remember what i did whenever i look at it.although we din meet our target to have it done in 1hour, it was still a great and unforgetable experience!

next,have our very own "bandana un-tie ceremony".din't expect there's some background music for our little ceremony.

last but not least, took a short cut walk to petaling street and have za zheung min as lunch.the mee was as nice as it was before.finally,i'd like to end the day(event) with this peaceful photo.


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1 comment:

  1. amazing job sulan (and shiwei)!
    closer and closer to expedition fundraising target i presume?
