Letters from Sabah!

Posted by Poh-E in

do you know who write this letter? Haha... I'm so inspired to join another Raleigh expedition after reading his letter... You?

Su Lan still misses FISH =) let's have a feast of nice KL food when they're back...

KL: Update! Short note from Dino @Hui Yein:

helllo !!! drop by to say hello !

please help me send a warm hello to all fellow mates of RIKL and wishing you guys every happiness !!

i at rangers' camp now, waiting the loop people and then trek back to bbc camp.

dino koong
from imbak


Time flies... it's now the last phase of summer expedition!
Su Lan, Shon Lee and Dino (Hui Yein) will be coming back to KL next month.
Follow the blog for more updates about their expedition life and Raleigh projects...


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  1. haha, cilakak si shonlee, so glad that you a played an important role in the project? kudos to you guys, finished the project so soon!!!

    sulan, i can't understand all your food stuff, but i do understand a few of it larr... i know what to bring to you when i meet you in sabah!!

    dino, sudah pengsan di borneo paradise? or having too ~ahem~ too much fun, or sangat sibuk entah buat apa?

    see you all soon, GO GO GO RALEIGH EXPEDITION!

  2. sulan made me miss my kindergarten in kg paus so much! wah, 2 years after my expc, finally there's another kindergarten project again! i want to go back to sabah, borneo to visit the kids! + )
