
Posted by Poh-E in

'I can remember one day trekking, in the pouring rain and we'd gone two hours the wrong way down a muddy, slippery slope... However, as a group, we all decided we could do it, we put a smile on our faces (or at least tried) and trekked through thick jungle and then out into one of the most spectacular views I've ever seen.' Jenny Reynolds Costa Rica & Nicaragua expedition

Ross MacPherson joined a 10 week expedition in Costa Rica and Nicaragua in 2008 after finishing his A levels. "Raleigh gave me the perfect opportunity to figure out what I wanted from life and seemed a perfect choice as it had challenges that would push me to my limits both mentally and physically. It gave me a focus on life and I know where I want to go now".
Since his expedition, Ross has returned to the UK and is now working as an assistant project coordinator for a local youth organisation called Haldane Youth Services. "Raleigh helped me realise that you don't always have to follow the crowd and instead of me following my peers going to university, I am now doing something else that I love. I would never have gone for the job if it wasn't for the self-belief or the self-worth that I experienced at Raleigh."

Want to have an experience of your life time? Register now! There are still places left for Borneo Autumn09 (October) expedition... Limited though! Email expedition@raleighinternational.org.my for more information.


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