Post-Monthly Meet Report: July 2013 - Caving at Batu Maloi Cave

Posted by Poh-E in ,

Here, just a drizzle of water to cool you down.
"Remember to waterproof your things, you will definitely get wet during this trip" was the last sentence that was written on the event notice.

Well, this turned out to be true.

We were at Batu Maloi Cave, Negeri Sembilan, squeezing through pin holes they call passageways while attempting to stay dry, for the first few minutes anyways. We were on a constant battle against friction, or rather the lack of it, but as we went along we found a groove and maneuvered through the rifts with ease (pun intended). 

Our guide Mr Nazri (4th from left) giving us tips on staying dry. They didn't work.
Just out of shot are his buddies using the stairs.
We encountered what seemed to be dead ends, only to discover that there are hidden paths among the boulders. It is like being in Batman's cave during a flood, only this time it looks more mysterious. Certain parts of the tunnel were shrouded in a somber mist, exuding a sense of uncertainty as we crawl towards dark abysses.

Honey, I found the remote control!
Shimmering sunlight pokes through the gaps occasionally, giving everything it can to dry our soaked outfits. However, the scenery would change from lush greenery to total darkness in a matter of minutes, making up for a thrilling journey, or shall I say chilling, as the water from the underground river was arctic cold. Despite all that, we would still get neck-deep into the river in order to carry on.

High and dry. Momentarily.
At the end of the day, I bet everyone felt a bit more like Indiana Jones, or Tarzan in fact. Dwelling in caves and threading through rivers may be tiring and uncomfortable from time to time, but so is being on a treadmill or an exercise bicycle. So if you ask me, I would take caving over that any day.


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1 comment:

  1. I can definitely attest that there was plenty of friction, between my tummy and the rocks!
