It is often encouraging to know that potential Venturers/ Raleigh members are enthusiastic in making a difference to the world or giving back to the society. This is good, as good as knowing most of the beauty queens’ standard answer of ‘WORLD PEACE’ for question like “if you can wish for one thing….”
Sadly, however noble the intention is, it is often meaningless if one cannot take concrete action to fulfill the vision.
I was told by a lecturer about a deaf patient who came seeking treatment at my faculty’s (I’m doing dentistry) clinic. Unfortunately, nobody understood sign language so the patient was referred from one department to another until someone with lip-reading skill was found. After listening to the story, I was thinking….hmmm…maybe I can do something about it….
So that was how the idea of the Sign Language Course came about. But me being the timid, inexperienced, busy Amy, I wasn’t sure whether other members woul like the idea, or if the Committee would support me. Then there were the time, venue, and cost factors to be considered ……(the list of excuses and worries can be compiled into a directory!!).
But since I had already included the Course in my 12-month plan to the Committee, I soldiered on. Things did not go smoothly, as always *sigh*. People dropping up last minute, late confirmation on venue booking, change of venue,etc.*frustrated*. Luckily, there is a deaf frog who keeps on reminding me ‘It’s a learning process!' (The frog is my lil secret!) :P
Now that the Sign Language Class has kick-started *sigh of relief*, plans are underway to collaborate with our deaf friends..
As I looked on at long-time Raleigh member BJ communicating with our hearing-impaired friends gesturing animatedly in Sign Language, a wave of calm and sense of achievement washes over me.
You may have 1001 ideas for fundraising; you may want to organize futsal for the orphans and so the list of shoulds, coulds and wants go on..... YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
But what are you waiting for?